Resources guidance and information on covid 19, vaccines are a critical tool to ensure protection for you and your community from severe COVID-19, hospitalization, and death. They have been shown to be safe and currently protect millions of vaccinated New Yorkers against COVID-19.
Vaccination is safer than risking getting sick and the long-term side effects of COVID-19. Even people who had COVID-19 in the past should get vaccinated.
Pfizer’s vaccine against COVID-19 is available for children between the ages of 5 and 11. The vaccine dose for this age group is smaller than the dose given to persons 12 years of age and older.
Children can get vaccinated at their doctor’s office, pharmacies and vaccination centers throughout the city.
Currently, booster doses of the vaccine are available to New Yorkers age 18 and older. These doses boost your immunity from the initial vaccination series.
No person will be denied access to a booster dose in New York, as long as they are 18 years of age or older and received their second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine at least six months ago, or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson at least two months ago.
Your booster dose can be any of the three licensed or approved vaccines. If you’re not sure about getting a booster dose or what kind of vaccine you should get, talk to your health care provider.
Appointments can be made for a free rapid COVID-19 virus test at the Department of Health’s COVID-in-Express sites throughout New York City. Test results are available within 24 hours or less of your visit. This means that most patients will receive their results the same day as their visit. All of the tests done at these locations are PCR diagnostic lab tests, which are the most accurate type of test available.
COVID-19 testing at COVID Express sites is free to all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status.
If your test result is positive, you will receive a call from the clinic and will be given certain recommendations, such as waiting 90 days before having another test since you first had symptoms, (or since you received your first positive result so you don’t have had symptoms). People may test positive for weeks or months after infection, even though they are no longer contagious. Any appointment made within 90 days of receiving a positive test will be cancelled.
If the patient has recovered from COVID-19 and now has new symptoms of COVID-19, they should see a health care provider, especially if they had close contact with someone who currently has COVID-19.
The risk of contracting an airborne infection, such as COVID-19, measles, tuberculosis, and probably many other respiratory infections, including influenza, depends largely on the number of infectious viruses (or bacteria in the case of influenza). tuberculosis) that are found in the air we breathe. The number of these germs in indoor air is driven by two things: the rate at which infected people exhale germs into a room, and the rate at which infectious germs are removed from the air.
Another Resource guidance and information on covid 19 is ventilation and air filtration can remove microbes floating in indoor spaces, either by blowing them out of the building and replacing the air with fresh outside air, or by trapping them in a filter by which moves the air inside. With two air changes per hour, which is what is generally done in large buildings, just over half of the existing microbes are removed every 30 minutes. With six air changes per hour, which is typical for hospital rooms and classrooms with multiple portable HEPA air filters, just over half the germs are removed every 10 minutes.
The FDA has authorized additional injections for older Americans and those with certain immunodeficiencies. Here’s what scientists know about who needs doses and when.
FDA clearance allows anyone over the age of 50 to receive a second booster dose. But experts say the little research done so far only recommends a fourth injection for those over 65 or those with underlying conditions that put them at high risk.