A Museum of and for Dogs in New York
A Museum of and for Dogs in New York
A Museum of and for Dogs in New York
The Dog Museum was founded in 1982, it had its first headquarters in the New York Life Building (51 Madison Av.), where the headquarters of the American Kennel Club operated. In 1987, the Dog Museum was transferred to St. Louis County, Missouri and, 30 years later, it was decided to bring it back to New York City and reunite it with the AKC headquarters, where the largest library is also located. with dog literature from the United States.
The museum has some 3,000 paintings and sculptures that focus on certain dogs -some famous-, there are several curious things that can be done inside the Dog Museum, such as finding the breed of dog that most resembles us, learning about the 199 breeds purebred recognized by the AKC Foundation, which works on a non-profit basis, learn about the origin of all dog breeds, their virtues and the historical milestones they have played a part in, consult the psychological profile of each dog (an index between solitary and sociable), their level of energy (between life of pothos in the sun or hyperactive dog); his permeability to training (from hard-headed to complacent). The interactive table “Meet the Breeds” will inform if the Museum exhibits any work of art that portrays the dog under investigation.
The Dog Museum in New York organizes different “after hours” and blind dates for pets. For example, what dog do we look like, how to train them and what is the psychological profile of our pet are some of the activities offered by this unusual museum that houses the largest canine library in the world.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) doesn’t have a run-of-the-mill museum, but rather one dedicated to dogs. Yes, the belated but well-deserved recognition of the bond that unites man with his best friend finally came from a museum in the middle of Mid Manhattan, on 101 East 41 St., in New York.
The place is very bright and fun, it is not a veterinary or a shelter for lost dogs, but a place that treasures works of art, canine knowledge and some interactive spaces that investigate the history of dogs and their legacy to The humanity.
A few days after its 40th birthday, on September 14, the AKC Dog Museum opens the exhibition “The AKC Museum of the Dog at 40” that will highlight some of the collectors whose donations made it possible for the AKC Museum of the Dog to Dog has his current physiognomy.
Frank Sabella, Marie A. Moore, Cynthia Wood, and Ron Menaker are some of them, but not the only ones, since there are thousands of barking and running dogs behind the history of this mega museum that we can visit today in the heart of New York, not only the fans but the protagonists.
Indeed, one of the most fun and original events in the place occurs every 15 days, when within the framework of Furry Friday, the museum organizes an after hour in which the most anticipated visitors are the purebred dogs, accompanied by their owners. Against the rise of Tinder-dogs sites, the AKC bets on canine romanticism live, when it comes to enlarging the family.
The candidates show off their pirouettes, they smell each other, they “talk”, they repeat the graces that make their owners proud and nobody looks at them badly because they leak a pee.
For them it is the opportunity to make friends and for their owners, the confirmation of why we love them so much.
Stuffy Storytime is the plan for Wednesday mornings, another activity for full-time fans. Before the Museum opens, anyone can go to the museum with their favorite stuffed animal to listen to stories about dogs, listen to songs or do some art – about dogs, of course.
For those planning a visit to the museum on Wednesdays, Stuffy Storytime is already included in the price of admission; it is also free for AKC members.
* Some days, there are local painters doing live portraits – not of people, but of their dogs, move!
* Demonstrations of how a dog is trained for specific uses are organized: people tracking, drug search, sniffer dogs, assistance for people with reduced mobility, guide dogs for the blind, help patients with post-traumatic stress disorder, can also be trained a dog to alert about risk situations in insulin-dependent diabetic masters.
* There are also dogs that are born with a sixth sense to detect diseases in their owners, even before they themselves know it. The Museum has archived documentation on countless cases of ovarian, skin, liver and lung cancer detection.
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Un Museo de y para Perros en Nueva York
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